Sunday, March 18, 2007

One Year Ago Today...

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usOne year ago today the unfathomable occurred. A lovely, young, vivacious, otherwise-intelligent Chinese girl by the name of 王琼 (Joan Wang) consented to marry a cynical, cranky Canadian. Friends and relatives of said Canadian flew in from Canada unable to believe, without seeing it with their own eyes, that their Michael Richter was actually getting married.

One year ago today they saw it all. I really had no choice, in the end. Once I met Joan in 九江, it was pretty much inevitable that I would fall in love with her and seek to marry her. Joan, however, had a choice and, in an incredible event that warped both time and space in its significance, nonetheless chose me. Not a day has gone by without my wondering what I did to deserve such a perfect girl. My end conclusion was that I must have done something truly spectacular in a past life, because nothing in this life can explain what happened.

One year ago today this lovely girl and I both had to adjust. I had to adjust to a life spent, now, with someone else. I had to learn to give more and take less. I had to learn how to be a good husband and a decent person. I had to learn how to stop having money flow from my hands like water from a faucet. It was hard learning it all -- I still haven't accomplished it completely -- but worth every minute and every hard lesson. For her part Joan had less to learn. What she mostly had to learn -- or at least exercise -- was forgiveness as a cranky man set in his ways painfully adjusted to a newer, better life.

One year ago today 王琼 changed my life forever for the better.

One year ago today.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you! I wish you all the best. "Happy everyday" as my Chinese students would say... And stop wondering why you are together. You just are. And everyone deserves to be happy :)

Be happy, friends!

Love, Sandrine

Chen Bo said...

Just know that you permit anonymous reply. good.
my words: Best, best, best of all wishes to you! And it's no doubtedly that she made a wise choice.

CrackCell said...


I'm so happy to see that you have a beautiful wife.

But I'm sad to tell that I even don't have a beautiful girlfriend.


Still,wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for you one year marriage anniversary.Any way,you are a very lucky man.However,I had the most terrible English exam today.It really made me feel disappointed. :(

Your faithfully,

Anonymous said...

I was so surprized to see this passage!
Congratulations to both of you!
Cell is so lovely, I hope that he can get a perfect GF soon! :目

Anonymous said...

How romantic you are! I admired you for your happiness. I am wondering when will I have a wife as beautiful as yours? ^_^

I wish you will be 白头偕老 and 永浴爱河~~

Your sincerely,
One of your Chinese student

Greencolander said...

OMG, sometimes I feel bad for Joan for having to put with you. I remember your:

1. Crankiness
2. Irrational hatred of women
3. Crankiness
4. Misguided uber-machismo
5. Crankiness
6. Irrational hatred of women

I suspect she's been drugging you. Else you suffered a major concussion after leaving Canada.

Unknown said...

I, on the other hand, have always felt a little sorry for Nik. I know he enjoys Freudian interpretation of Greek myth and legend, but to actually live out the chaining of Prometheus (swapping out an eagle for a harpy and his liver for his balls) just strikes me as going too far.