Shooting for zero and accomplishing it!
My family owns a large KEEP in the south of England. When I was 18, I studied WATER at college so that I would understand farming better. My brother is in charge of one part of the business and he PICK cows and sheep. Some of these are HARVEST and sold for their meat. he also sells AGRICULTURE such as maize and wheat. We DAIRY vegetables for a few years, but we didn't make enough money at it, so five years ago we GROW a lot of apple and pear trees instead. In the late summer we have extra workers to help FARM the fruit and AGRICULTURE the wheat. Some years are very difficult in farming. Last year, there was no rain for two months, which caused a PLANT. The CROP was very hard and we had to GROUND the maize every week.This is a student's long-winded, fill-in-the-blanks way of saying "I didn't bother with homework at all this term".
Since I hurt my leg in the accident, it's been difficult to BITE my knees.I should bloody well think so!
Do you think I can OVERDO my homework if it's not very good?I rather suspect that in your case you will not be overdoing homework at any point in the foreseeable future.
The alarm didn't EXPLODED this morning – there must be something wrong with it.Talk about a strict morning routine!
The police believe the young boy was responsible for HIS PARENTS.The RCMP is teaching cops abroad now?
I had to COMB my nose in the middle of the lecture – it was a bit embarrassingI can only imagine.
I always sit ON the table for dinner."...but I can't figure out why people have stopped inviting me."
Put this coat on – it'll MAKE you dry if it rains.Does it only dry me when raining or will stepping under a shower do?
...Words fail me....
- How many MISTAKE do you MAKE at school?
- About twelve including two languages and all the sciences.
My arm might be broken as well and it is quite possible I've been decapitated.
- What's the matter?
- I don't know but I MIGHT BE getting headaches. I think I should make an appointment to see the doctor.
If you don't go to bed when you have a flu IT OFTEN GETS DARK....and if you get out of bed when you have muscle cramps it often snows?
remove writing from the board = PUT it offYeah, I procrastinate on cleaning up myself.
The children were here a minute ago, but now they've RECHARGED.Never ever recharge your children. It takes forever for them to run out of energy.
A fall in sales could lead to A PAY RISE FOR ALL THE WORKERS.I wish my employers were so enlightened in these harsh economic times.
If you start to recover from an illness YOU PROBABLY DON'T GET BETTER AT IT.And I was trying so hard to perfect my flu too!
Lest you think I'm being unusually cruel even for me, keep in mind these two points:
- These are university students planning to study abroad.
- This is all lifted directly from the homework they were supposed to have been doing all term.
Oh, and every entry up there is from a different student.